Saturday, September 27, 2008

Harrisville Day is....

officially over. I enjoyed spending time with friends and seeing people I had not seen in a long time but I didn't make much money (me showing a sad face here). I guess premade scrapbooking is not a good market or either no one likes me. Either way, I am glad to have it behind me and I promise I won't miss much sleep over it. It was a very long, hot day and I am so very tired.

Maybe now I can devote more time to my 2 1/2 year old who, in the process of me making up all those albums, has reverted back to having WAY TOO MANY "accidents". I am prayful that she is only doing it for some "Mommy attention" and there is nothing seriously wrong with her kidney. However, if it continues, I will be having her checked since the kidney condition her brother had (resulting in the removal of his right kidney at age 6) runs higher in little girls than boys and is possibly herititary (sp?).

I am off to prepare for my Children's Church lesson for in the morning and then to bed for some much needed rest.

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