Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A birthday celebration......

On Saturday morning, I was awaken by the smell of something cooking. My first reaction was to spring out of bed and see what was going on since both my hubby and I were still in bed. Then I realized what was going one. My 11 year old and 7 year old were making me breakfast for my birthday. I decided I would lay there and "pretend" to be asleep when they would burst into the bedroom singing Happy Birthday. They even had a candle on some candy I had made a few days before. I am so blessed to have such great children. Along with the grilled cheese, coffee and candy, they had made me a special card and sang to me. What a great way to be awaken on your birthday.

Then later that morning, my oldest sister called to wish me a happy birthday and asked if we'd like to go eat fish that evening. Who can turn down a meal on their birthday, right? So of course, we went. My family, my oldest sister and brother-in-law, niece and great nephew all enjoyed fish with all the trimmings. We ate way too much.

As the day progressed, I received many texts, myspace messages, and phone calls even into the night, wishing me a happy birthday. What an AWESOME day. Truly a day to be remembered for years to come. I felt so overwhelmed to be remembered by so many people (of which I love them all).

Thanks for remembering me on my special day!!

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