Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Busy Day

My day started off very busy and is just now letting up. After getting my children off to school and my morning prayer and devotional time, I went to the church to set up the maze for this Friday Night's Hallejuah Night. We spent from about 10:00 to 1:00 on the maze, broke for lunch and came back and finished it. I left the church at 3:40 to get back home as the bus was dropping the children off. Then had to get homework and prepare for a Girl Scout Lesson for tonight while also preparing supper for my three children with my Hubby out of town....WHEW, I am really tired. I should sleep good tonight.

The rest of my week will be very full preparing for the Hallejuah Night and several other things going on for the week at school.

In the midst of my busy life, I reflect on Psalm 81:13-16
God had provided his covenant that He would restore His people if they would listen to Him. God remains faithful in our relationship with Him and is patiently waiting for our responses so He can pour out His blessings.

I believe God will restore us to Him if we take time to spend with Him and wait for Him in every aspect of our lives.

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