Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kids say the cutest things....

Emilea (7 years old) got up this morning and decided it was a little too chilly out to wear the shorts she had layed out for school today. She then comes to me and says "Mom, do you know where those blonde pants are?" I say "Blonde pants? I'm not sure which pants you are talking about." She then begins to describe them "You know those pants like we had to wear last year." Me, still clueless, "What do they look like or what color are they?" She says, "You know, they are called something. Uh, Uh, Uni pants." She was wanting her kahi pants and she couldn't remember that they were also called uniform pants. Oh, the joys of motherhood. You not only have to be a mother, chef, maid, chaufer, referee, tutor, nurse and coach. Now we add interperter to the list. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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