Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Have you ever been on that mountain top high with everything going well in your life and all the sudden, things start happening in your life and you begin to fall from a great mountain top existence into the valley below? You first begin to wonder why God is allowing this to happen or where He is leading you? You start with a “mustard seed” like faith believing that He will see you threw to the other side of whatever He is trying to show you. You continue to pray for a while (several months), growing weary of waiting on His timing and begin to loose your mustard seed faith. Then it becomes that you don’t know what to pray anymore so you just don’t. You find yourself broken and beaten down and at a point where you allow Satan to whisper in your ear that your “mustard seed to move a mountain” faith just isn’t good enough. You are at this point a broken vessel and believe that maybe he is right and you just can’t get back up that mountain. I am here to tell you that God is able to use every vessel, especially the broken ones.

We have an obligation to use whatever gifts and talents that God equips us with in order to grow, even in our brokenness. It hurts when God takes you from your comfort zone in order to bring you into a deeper level of spirituality. It’s like sandpaper to our flesh. But our obligations are not to our FLESHLY desires but to being OBEDIENT to God in order to bring Him the glory.

I know that when we are in the valley is when God is working His hardest to reveal himself to us. I know in our brokenness, He will once again raise us to the top of that mountain and use all our hardships and struggles for our good and His glory. He will bring us to the other side and use us, a broken vessel, in a mighty way to minister to others that may have those same struggles. Then we can say to Satan, “All I needed was a “mustard seed to move a mountain” faith. My God is able to use me, even in my brokenness.”

Even a broken vessel is used by the mighty hand of God and broken vessels don’t remain broken forever.

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (NIV)

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